Spahn Personalberatung
After his studies, Ralf Spahn was active for many years in recruiting and management functions at leading banks and financial-service companies, the last posts of which were as Head of Personnel at sales subsidiary companies of Dresdner Bank and the Allianz Group. When he founded Spahn Personalberatung in 2002, from the outset he and his colleagues focused their executive search operations exclusively on the financial services sector, that is to say banks and insurance companies, as well as consultancy companies with their own consultancy units for the financial sector.
What we stand for and what our customers benefit from:
We have been operating in your market for more than 10 years; for our customers we successfully staff key open positions with exactly the high-impact players who bring their company forward.
You too can benefit from our experience
We know countless outstanding subject-specialist and management executives at all levels and in all functional areas, both in the major companies and in small-to-medium-sized firms; we know where to find the right personalities for your company.
You too can benefit from our network
As a part of pns group international and of further global networks, we combine regional expertise with global reach. In doing this, we can call upon the competence of more than 800 subsidiary offices with 3,000 recruiters in more than 35 countries.
You too can benefit from our global reach
Our consultants have acquired a reputation as highly specialised professionals in their business sector. Aside from many years of experience in executive search, they have themselves worked for decades in subject-specialist and management positions in the financial-services sector: they do not just know the industry from the bird’s-eye perspective, they know what makes your market tick.
You too can benefit from our know-how
We know that recruiting is not about a conjuring act, but rather it is an extremely challenging craft in which clear and targeted processes are decisive in ensuring the quality of the end result.
You too can benefit from our processes
An essential foundation for making a new appointment that is a sustained success is the intensive interaction between, and the coordination of, customers’ and candidates’ respective expectations. This demands an ability to listen and to get people to open up. It is precisely this ability that our customers and candidates refer to in feedback on our work, time and time again.
You too benefit from our ability to listen and to ask the right questions
For us, your business is not just any area of business – it is our area of business. We operate exclusively in your market, committing ourselves body and soul to our interest in what you do, how you do it and why you do it.
You too benefit from our passion for our work and our interest in you
Trust is the basis for obtaining all relevant information to place an executive into an open position on a sustainable and successful basis: it is thus the essential foundation for successful executive recruitment consultancy. This is precisely the trust that our customers and candidates bring to us and we do not disappoint them.
You too can trust us – talk with us.